Jul 9, 2008

Intro by Cody

Introduction by Cody

Ah~ The first post. Thank you for coming to Talk With the World (TW^2 is a cool abbreviation, right?). Hopefully we will all learn a lot here and be able to express our views of different subjects in the world with all of its lovely languages. Let me introduce myself!

My name is Cody. I am a 19 year old 3rd year college student. My major is still undecided but I want to do something with foreign languages. I also want to teach. I have been learning languages since I was 14 years old…I started with German, then Spanish, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Aside from languages, I also like listening to and creating music, watching movies, jogging, and playing video games. It is a pleasure to meet everyone and I hope to provide good reading material soon. See you next time~

여러분, 안녕하세요? 저는 코디이고 “세상과 이야기하기”에 와 주신 걸 환영합니다! 저는 19살 3학년 대학생입니다. 제 전공은 아직 정하지 않았지만 외국어 선생님이 되고 싶습니다. 만나서 반갑고, 제가 있는 곳의 재미있는 이야기 들려주고 싶습니다. 다음에 봅시다!



Hola! Me llamo Cody y tengo 19 anos. Yo soy de norte america y estudio en la universidad. Mi espanol es muy malo. Lo siento!

Anyway, thank you for reading! I am really hoping to improve my language skills through this site. Have a good day and I will see you again soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this great idea of team blogging ! I'm sure this will be a great way for us all to practice our language skills and help other people who are learning these languages themselves as well!