Aug 1, 2008

A Public Service Announcement - in Balinese and Indonesian

Here's an interesting video - it's a public service announcement regarding the question of food coloring additives. Funny enough, the commercial is called "Zat Perwarna: Bule ke Doktor" (Food Coloring: White Guy goes to the doctor). And the "bule" speaks Balinese and Indonesian pretty well...

Here's a transcript - Indonesian in bold, Balinese in regular typeface:

Bule: Ne, bagus sekali. Jaja ini, aji kuda asiki, Bu?
[These (look) very good. These rice cakes, how much for one, ma'am?]

Seribu nika.
[That is Rp 1000.]

Dokter: Punapi niki, Gus?
[How is this [patient's condition], Gus?]

NB: "Gus" is short for "bagus", which literally means "handsome" in Balinese. It also can be used to refer to a young man.

Gus: Kenten, Dok. Tuni semangan timpal tiange ngebus,
menceret-menceret. Kena penyakit napi niki Dok?
[Gus: It's like this, Doc. Earlier this morning my friend (the bule) became "hot" inside (but not feverish), constantly having diarrhea. What sort of disease does he have, Doc?]

Kena is the Indonesian word for coming upon something unexpectedly and having an adverse effect, so kena batu would mean to "be struck by/stub one's toe on a rock". Kena penyakit therefore means 'to be struck by a disease'.

Dokter: Tiang periksa dumun, inggih?
[Doctor: I'll examine (him) first, alright?]

O, niki wenten peradahan(?)
[Oh, here's some metallic-looking substance.]
(If my translation of "peradahan" is appropriate...)

Polih ajeng napi timpal ba singgih?
[What did your friend happen to eat (if I may ask)?]

is an extremely respectful way of saying 'sir', and it implies either the addressee's high caste or something else.

Gus: Dugas ibi tiang ajak beli jaja.
Kena demen ajak jaja ada warnane ngencerengin, dok.
[Gus: Yesterday [he] was with me buying rice cakes. [He] liked (there's that kena verb again; 'struck by liking', literally) the cakes with the interesting colors, Doc.]

Dokter: Makane
hati-hati milih makanan. Sampunang tertarik ring warnane sagede-gede kemanten. Minab timpal Guse niki keracunan zat pewarna.
[Doctor: You have to be careful about selecting food. Don't be attracted to the colors too much. Perhaps your friend (Gus' friend, literally) got food color poisoning.]

Sameton sareng sami, sampunang anggen
zat pewarna, sane ten dados anggen makanan, minakadi sumba, wantek miwah muruh.
[All my fellow people, don't use food coloring substances, those that are not to be used in food, especially safflower dye, rhodamine dye, and indigo.]

Well, "now you know"...

1 comment:

Theresa said...

yes, we use 'kena' alot in singapore too.

like 'he kena scolded' or 'he kena detention'. we usually mix melayu with english. we call it singlish. haha.

i think singlish is interesting, but our schools disapprove of it. haha.