Aug 11, 2008

Another Korean Question

Can someone explain the verb structure and ways to use -길 바랍니다?

Isn't it like saying "I hope -------"?
Include a few examples if it is not too much trouble please.
Thank you so much!


Nick said...

Hey Cody,
I'm no expert on the Korean language... but just wondering, isn't it ~기 바랍니다, not ~길 바랍니다

Unknown said...

It can be both :)

-기 바랍니다 and -기를 바랍니다 (which becomes -길 바랍니다 in colloquial speech) are the same thing.

바라다 is to "wish for".

뭘 바래? = What do you wish for? What do you want? (in a sarcastic or criticizing manner)

바라는 거 없어. = I don't wish for anything.

-기 바라다
-기를 바라다

= I wish for "something to be in a state" or "someone to do something".

만날 수 있다(can meet) + 바라다
--> 만날 수 있길 바래(요).
= I hope we can meet.

잘 지내길 바래
= I wish you would take care and stay healthy.

언젠가는 나를 이해하길 바래
= I wish you would understand me someday.


I hope this helps!
(도움이 되길 바래!!)

Anonymous said...

So basically you just drop the ending and make it 길 바래.

....한국에 갈수 있길 바래요.

Unknown said...

yeah but if you say "한국에 갈 수 있길 바래요", it CANNOT mean "I hope I can go to Korea." - it only means "I hope you/he/she/they/it can go to Korea."

"I hope I can go to Korea" is 한국에 가고 싶어요. or 한국에 갈 수 있으면 좋겠어요. :)

Anonymous said...

So if you use this structure, then it is only towards someone else and not yourself?

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Yes :) in most cases!