Jan 4, 2009

What's been on my mind lately

Today I was talking with one of my new friends from facebook and she said that it was surprising to see someone so serious about Korea since usually people don't know anything about her country. So, I decided to explain myself.

보통 외국인들이 아지아 좋아하면 일본 아니면 중국 대해서 배우기 정하죠?
그런데 저는 어느날에 친구한테 갑자기 한국 음악 받았고 그날부터 한국 대해서 더 알고 싶었어요.
그래서 조금씩 여기 저기 배웠는데
대학교 시작했을때 한국어 열심히 공부하기 시작했는데
그때부터 한국 천천히 사랑 빠졌거든요?
그래서 지금 한국 너무 너무 너무 좋아해요.
그리고 my point earlier was 외국인들 한국 대해서 많이 모르니까, 한국 인기 많이 없죠?
그런데, 저는 어느날에서 세상에게 한국 보여주고 싶습니다.
재 꿈이에요, 전 한국 사람 아니지만.
어떻게 생각해요? 이상해요?
근데 그건 반드시 저 입니다.

Usually when foreigners like Asia, they pick Japan or China to learn about, right?
But one day my friend suddenly sent me a Korean song and since that day, I wanted to learn more about Korea.
So little by little, I learned things here and there.
When I started college I began studying Korean harder and slowly, I actually fell in love with Korea.
So now I really really like Korea.
And my point earlier was that since foreigners don't really know a lot about Korea, it doesn't have a lot of popularity, right?
But, some day, I want to show Korea to the world.
That is my dream, even though I am not Korean.
How do you feel about that? Is it weird?
But that is without a doubt, me.

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