Nov 28, 2008

A "Talk With The World" contributor dancing...

Maaf kalau sudah terlalu lama baru saya ada di situs ini - sibuuuuk sekali.

(Sorry if I haven't been to this site in quite awhile - I've been really busy.)

Ya, saya baru datang dari pentas yang saya lakukan di luar California. Saya menari tarian Bali yang sangat tradisional. Tarian ini berjudul Topeng Keras: topeng berarti "mask", dan keras berarti "strong; tough".

(Alright, I've just come from a performance that I did outside of California. I danced a very traditional Balinese dance. The name of this dance is Topeng Keras: topeng means "mask", and keras means "strong; tough".

Tarian ini menggambarkan seorang patih yang keras. Dia baik cepat marah maupun bergerak hatinya. Topengnya dicat dengan cat berwarna coklat tua atau merah; warna tersebut melambangkan sifatnya orang yang cepat marah.

(This dance portrays a strong prime minister. He is quick to anger, as well as impulsive. The mask is painted either a dark brown or red; those colors represent a person who gets mad easily.)

Selamat menonton!
즐겁게 보세요!


maxiewawa said...

Fantastic! I was just about to request a video of some of our contributors dancing!

Is the word "keras" the word you use when you say "out loud, or in Indonesian, Deng an keras" in Survival Phrases Indonesian?

You say it in every lesson.

Anonymous said...

Magnificent! Now that I know that there is audience participation, I must find a way to attend one of your performances ;)

I have noticed that hand positioning is very finely detailed in Indonesian dance.

~ Bouks

Ed said...


Yes, that's right - "keras" in this case means "tough; strong", but it can also mean "loud" when referring to any type of sound.


Thanks for your comment - hope to see you around here more often!